Wednesday, October 14, 2009


So today is the anniversary of California boy and me. And this post is in honor of him.

There's something oddly uneventful about today. Almost in a good way. Every anniversary that I've had with someone else always felt like an accomplishment as in - Whew! glad we made it another week/month/year without breaking up/arguing to death/killing each other. Where as this anniversary is calm and loving and natural. It's representative of the relationship that we have. Every day is mostly loving and very easy to be with each other. That's not to say we don't have our arguments or get irritated with each other. We do. But there's this easiness and natural-ness when I'm around him.

Oddly, we're pretty different. You know those couples that people mistake for brother and sister? We are complete opposites. Physical and otherwise. I get this feeling when people meet us for the first time, they really don't get it. He's a bit flighty and definitely more spontaneous. I like to have a plan and lists are my best friends. Not that I can't handle spontaneity, but I generally live my life as a controlled chaos. key word - controlled. Anyway, what brings us together the most is our senses of humor and the balance that we provide each other. We tend to laugh at the same things. From corny to gross out to clever and witty. We laugh a lot. I guess it just makes the hard stuff easier.

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